Homophones are words that have the same pronunciation but different spellings and meanings. Some pairings have a clear distinction (“new”/”knew” and “bear”/”bare”), but there are also trickier homophones that have been baffling writers for centuries — particularly when it comes to their usage in common expressions. For example, why do we “make do” instead of “make due,” or wait with “bated breath” rather than “baited breath”? The answers lie in the origins of these historical homophones.
Make Do
To make do with something is to get along with what is available, as in, “He needs to make do with his brother’s hand-me-down uniforms.” “Do” has many usages, but it’s often used casually to mean “something that is adequate or sufficient,” as in, “‘We’re out of tea — is coffee OK?’ ‘Yes, that’ll do!'” In the sense of “make do,” “do” refers to something serving a specific purpose.
The adjective “make-do” is a synonym for “makeshift.” It was first used this way in the 1920s, as in, “They used their blanket as a make-do shelter from the rain.”
Historically, “make do” is the correct use of this idiom, but the homonym “due” is often incorrectly written instead. “Due” has a definition of “satisfying or capable of satisfying a need,” synonymous with “adequate,” so it’s an easy mix-up with the above usage of “do.” One place it does belong is in the phrase “in due time” (meaning “eventually, at an appropriate time”).
With Bated Breath
“With bated breath” idiomatically means “with anticipation,” as in, “They watched the finish line with bated breath.” The phrase literally means “to hold one’s breath,” from the definition of “bated”: “to reduce the force or intensity of.” The Oxford English Dictionary attributes the first usage of the idiom to Shakepeare’s The Merchant of Venice: “Shall I bend low and in a bondman’s key / With bated breath and whispering humbleness…”
The homonym “baited” is often misused for “bated,” especially in this idiom. J.K. Rowling confused the two in the line, “The whole common room listened with baited breath” (in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban). This usage is incorrect because “baited” means “to lure, harass, attack, persecute, or entice” — none of which is the intended meaning of “with baited breath.”
Anchors Aweigh
“Anchors aweigh” is a maritime phrase used when a ship is about to leave, so it makes sense that it’s often confused with “anchors away.” (No sea captains on staff here, but we assume pulling up an anchor is part of a ship leaving.)
“Aweigh” means “raised just clear of the bottom,” and is almost always used to refer to an anchor. It was first used as a nautical term in the 1620s and is later seen in an 1867 maritime dictionary called The Sailor’s Word-Book, written by naval officer William Henry Smyth: “The anchor is a-trip, or a-weigh, where the purchase has just made it break ground, or raised it clear.” One of the most famous instances of this phrase comes from the official song of the U.S. Navy, “Anchors Aweigh,” written by Naval Academy Midshipman Alfred H. Miles in 1906. The confusion comes from the homonym “away,” which is an adverb that can refer to moving from or in another direction from a certain place. Rest easy — only the most assiduous of sailors would be able to spot this mistake in written form.
Without Further Ado
The correct phrase — meaning “without further delay” or “without much fuss” — is “without further ado.” It’s a playful quip often used to introduce performances or speakers. “Ado” itself can mean “heightened fuss or concern,” “time-wasting bother,” or “trouble.” It was in use at least as early as the 14th century, but Shakespeare popularized the word in his play Much Ado About Nothing, which was first performed in 1612.
The commonly confused homonym “adieu” is a French word meaning “farewell,” as in, “I bid you adieu.” It was pulled into Middle English from the French phrase a dieu, meaning literally “to God.” “Adieu” was a popular expression of well wishes in the 15th century, around the same time that “ado” was gaining popularity, which resulted in this case of jumbled homophones.
Whet Your Appetite
“Whet” comes from the Old English hwettan, meaning “to sharpen.” In the popular phrase “whet your appetite,” the word means “to make keen” or “to stimulate.” It has nothing to do with the homophone “wet,” but they are commonly confused because “wet” is much more familiar than “whet.”
To make things more confusing, the similar phrase “wet your whistle,” meaning “to have a drink,” does use the word “wet.” “Whistle” has been used metaphorically to refer to the mouth or throat since the 14th century, as seen in The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer: “As any jay she light was and jolly; / So was her jolly whistle well wet.”
This homophone duo has been confusing folks for centuries. There is evidence of “whetting one’s whistle” as far back as the 17th century, and “wetting one’s appetite” is a popular (albeit incorrect) phrase today. Try to remember that “wet” applies to quenching thirst, and the more unfamiliar “whet” is left to apply to the appetite.
Rein In
“To rein in” means “to limit or control,” both literally and figuratively. Forms of the noun “rein” (referring to the leather straps to guide a horse) and the verb “rein” (referring to the act of pulling on the reins) are seen in English as early as the 14th century. One of the earliest metaphorical uses of the phrase can be seen in Shakespeare’s 1609 play about the Trojan War, Troilus and Cressida: “Spur them to ruthful work, rein them from ruth!”
Even with this long history, “reign in” has gained a foothold. “Reign” refers to a royal authority, as well as a sense of control. So not only does “reign” sound like “rein,” but it can also have a similar meaning, as in, “The king was well respected during his 50-year reign.” However, the correct use of the phrase “rein in” is solely rooted in equestrian jargon.